St. Michael Catholic Church

Families of Faith

Registration for 2024-2025 is OPEN!

Families of Faith  

Kinder to Fifth grade. Meets Sundays (September-April) 10:15 am to 11:30 am.

Catechesis for the entire family, St. Michael utilizes A Family of Faith program by Sophia Institute to help develop strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents. Studies show that parental involvement in the faith-life of their child is by far the most important element in ensuring that a child develops into a practicing Christian.

A Family of Faith follows a four-year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism (The Profession of Faith, Sacraments, Life in Christ and Prayer) is covered per year from September through May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age-appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.

Families gather on Sundays for an interactive and engaging catechesis session base on the month's topic. Parents leave the session with material and preparation to practice prayer and traditions with their children at home. 

Topic for the Year 2024-2025: Prayer

This volume focuses on Christian prayer, and why it is so essential for growing in relationship with God. After exploring the covenant drama of prayer in Scripture, families learn the richness of the Our Father, the major expressions of prayer, and the example of the Virgin Mary in conversations with God. Throughout the whole year, families are helped to put into practice all these learning through a fruitful prayer life.

Year Four: Christian Prayer

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education
  • October: What is Prayer?
  • November: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray
  • December: Prayer and the Our Father
  • January: Prayer and the Holy Spirit
  • February: The Prayer of the Virgin Mary
  • March: Praying with Scripture and Expressions of Prayer
  • April: Prayer as Spiritual Battle


FAQ's about Family Catechesis?




How do I register my child?


1. Review the options for Religious Education that better works for your family needs.

2. Complete the Religious Education Registration  online or download this Form  and bring it to our Formation Office.

3. Download the Religious Education Calendar 2024-2025 

4. First Class August 28, 2024.




Religious Education Options


A Families of Faith   B Religious Education


Families gather Sundays for an interactive and engaging catechesis session base on the month's topic. Parents leave the session with material and preparation to teach their children at home. St. Michael use Sophia Institute curriculum approved by the Diocese.

Meets on Sundays (September-April) 10:15 am to 11:30 am.

Click here to learn more




Grade level catechism in site. St. Michael Formation use Sophia Press Institute curriculum approved by the Diocese.

 Wed: 4:30 - 5:30 pm

New Wednesday mass at 5:30 pm!




Sacramental Formation



Special Needs


If you think your child is ready for Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion:

1. Fill-in this Inquiry Form or this Electronic Form and return.

2. Come to one of our discernment days.

3. After the discernment meeting, register your child.

Click here to learn more



Option for children that required  special accommodation due to learning disabilities or other needs that required classroom accommodation or one on one teaching.


Family Resources

We recommend for you to use at home to enrich your child Religious Formation.


Loyola Press Holy Heroes Sophia Institute for Teachers
The Catholic Kid  



Formation Office Hours

Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

For your convenience , our Formation staff can set an appointment for your family needs. To set up a personal appointment  contact Robin Harris.



Robin Harris

Director of Faith Formation

(817) 510 2726

Click to e-mail