St. Michael Catholic Church

Youth Ministry


What is Encounter?

“Encounter” facilitates an environment where middle school and high school students can Encounter Christ, become on fire with His love, and go to out into the world embracing the call to be Saints and sharing the call with others.

We do this by creating youth nights that deliver a deep and dynamic Catechesis steeped in the truths of the Catholic Faith found in Scripture, Tradition, and the Magisterium. We provide the opportunity for an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ that leads to a lifetime relationship with him and inspires teens to evangelize others by their passionate witness of the Catholic life of Faith.

Typical “Encounter” Nights:

 We begin with a snack and fun activity then separate into Middle School and High School groups to listen to a Catechetical talk and witness, and have opportunities for prayer, reflection, and small group discussion.

Encounter meets on Sunday evenings from 6pm - 8pm in Pallotti Hall. 

Keep an eye out for our weekly Flocknote emails as location and time may change!

Throughout the year, we will also offer additional opportunities for our teens and their families, including XLT (Praise and Worship with Adoration), All Saints Living Rosary, Advent Family Trivia, Good Friday Stations of the Cross, and Palm Sunday Family Retreat.  


$65 for an Encounter Student // $80 for a Confirmation Student (Includes Encounter Fee) //$130 Max per family

If you think your teen is ready for the Sacramental Prep for Confirmation or your child is in need of Reconciliation/Eucharist, is unbaptized or Baptized in another faith, please contact Emily Cutshall to set up your Sacramental Inquiry Discussion.

Click here to sign up for our weekly Flocknote communications!


Emily Cutshall
Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry

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