What’s the first step?
Contact Robin Harris to schedule a personal appointment and discussion of your inquiry. Please remember this is a process and there is no commitment to be made until you are ready to make a Profession of Faith. There are several steps in the process, so the only commitment you make initially is to take the First Step and Inquire. Please complete the linked RCIA Inquirer's Form and we will soon contact you.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Formation Office hours of operation are Monday to Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. For your convenience, our formation staff can set an appointment for your family needs. To set up a personal appointment contact Robin Harris for more information on how you can connect into the life of the parish and Church: rharris@smcchurch.org or (817) 510 2726.
Baptism of older children Ages 7 -17
Children who are above the age of 7 and who are not yet baptized or have not had prior catechesis in the Catholic Church participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children. This process is dependent on the support of the parents and family, as children are not yet adults. The process may take 2 years or longer, but is also readiness-based so the time does vary per individual. Discernment interviews take place prior to beginning sessions, as
well as throughout the process to discern readiness. The sessions typically begin in September and families must attend sessions together.
Robin Harris
Director of Faith Formation
(817) 510 2726