Baptism is the first sacrament all Christians receive and is the first step towards full membership in the body of Christ. It along with confirmation and Eucharist are known as the sacraments of initiation they are the building blocks for every Christian life. “The faithful born anew strengthened by the sacrament of confirmation and receiving the Eucharist are strengthened for eternal life”. CCC 1268 |
Infant Baptism
All documents/requirements must be completed in order to reserve a Baptism date at St. Michael Catholic Church. We request that parents collect all documents at home, and bring them personally to the Main Office when ready to discuss Baptism dates. Please contact Deacon Tom Doran @ 817-510-2745 or with any questions or concerns. We look forward to assisting you in getting ready for your child or godchild's Baptism.
Member Requirements for Parents:
+ At least one of the parents has to be Catholic.
+ Be a registered member of our parish for a minimum of 3 months
+ Live in our parish boundaries, as set by the Diocese of Fort Worth, or have a Letter of permission from the parish you were assigned by your address.
Parents and Godparents Baptism Class:
+ Register and attend a Baptism Preparation Class. Material fee at St. Michael is $10 per person. Register online here or in the church office.
+ Provide a letter or certificate of attendance to Baptism Preparation Class at another Parish.
Parents Documents:
- Copy of Birth Certificate for child to be baptized and any other legal required documents that are necessary for the Baptism.
- Complete the online Infant Baptism Inquiry Form or click here to download
- Bring the documents needed for sacraments registry to the Formation Office, located in northeast corner of campus (download campus map). Parish Formation Office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Godparents Documents:
+ Proof of attendance to a Catholic Baptism Preparation class for both of the Godparents.
+ Complete Certificate to serve as Godparent or Letter of Good Standing from their parish. The document must be signed by the appropriate clergy (or their delegate) and marked with the parish seal.
+ Give both documents to the Child's parents so they can take it to the Formation Office along with the rest of the documents and set a date for the Baptism.
Permission to Baptize elsewhere:
- Complete the form Request for Sacrament at another Catholic Church.
- Reason for request.
- Name of the parish where baptism will take place and address.
- Date of the Baptism.
- Name of contact person at the parish.
- Bring the documents to the Formation Office. Please, allow up to 14 days for permission to be granted.
Baptism Preparation Classes
Baptism Preparation Class are on Saturdays, 9:00 AM to 11AM--Activity Center. Please see the list of scheduled classes here or below:
2025 Class Schedule
January 11 | July – NO CLASS |
February 8 |
August 9 |
March 8 | September 13 |
April – NO CLASS | October 11 |
May 10 | November 8 |
June 14 | December – NO CLASS |
Times When Infants are Baptized
- Baptism’s usually take place on the First Sunday of the Month at 3:00PM in the Church year-round. All requirements must be fulfilled, and approval /confirmation provided by Robin Harris prior to the Baptism.
- Parents may request to have their child’s Baptism scheduled during a Vigil/Sunday Mass. Please note that Baptisms during Mass will not be scheduled during the Advent and Lenten Seasons.
Children 7 years old and older, teens and adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey through distinct spiritual phases of increasing maturity whereby one prepares to commit themselves to Jesus Christ and His Church through seeking the sacraments of initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist/First Holy Communion.
Please call to set up an appointment with Robin Harris, Director of Faith Formation: 817.510.2726 or email:
+ Any Unbaptized person seeking to follow Christ in His Church by way of making preparations for Christian discipleship through Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist/First Holy Communion. Such a person, after a period of inquiry into the faith and initial conversion to Christ is called a Catechumen.
+ Any Baptized person from another Christian community seeking to become Catholic through making preparations for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Such a person, after a period of inquiry into the faith, is called a Candidate.
+ Any Baptized Catholic looking to increase their devotion as a disciple of Jesus Christ through completing the other sacraments of initiation (Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion).
Have you been named a Godparent/Sponsor? Congratulations! This is an incredible honor and we are so excited that you have sad "Yes" to this important role in this child's life both Spiritually and here on earth. Here is everything you need to know about being a Godparent!
It is acceptable to choose only one Godparent for your child; however, that person must be an active, practicing Catholic. If desire to have two godparents, the Cannon Law requires that there be one male and one female.
The Godparents/Sponsors must meet the following criteria:
+ Be at least 16 years of age.
+ Must be a fully initiated Catholic (baptized, confirmed and received Eucharist) and
+If married you need to be married by the Catholic Church or living single.
Godparents/Sponsors documents:
+ Complete the Certificate to serve as Godparent/Sponsor and bring it to our Formation Offices. The document takes, at least 2 regular office weeks to be processed. We will contact you back when its ready.
Robin Harris
Director of Faith Formation
(817) 510 2726