A Lector’s Prayer: “May the Lord be in my heart and on my lips that I may worthily proclaim the Good News of Salvation."
The reader serves the Eucharistic assembly by telling the story of God’s saving work in the lives of His people. The role of the lector is to tell the story so those gathered for Mass are touched by hearing the words.
“We draw on Holy Scripture from the Bible for the readings. We consider them to be God speaking directly to us. For us, the Word of God is the living Word. God is speaking to us as a community, and He asks us to be faithful to His Word. Being able to listen, to hear and then to act requires time, practice, commitment, and a desire to fulfill all of this.” – Fr. Bolaji Boyalla
On the weekend that they are scheduled to read, lectors participate in a preparation program - a short prayer and study session held every Saturday morning at 9:30 AM. In these sessions, readers discuss the weekend readings and listen as each person reads what they will proclaim at Mass.
We welcome you who wish to join us. Training is provided for all new to this ministry.
For more information or to let us know of your interest in joining this ministry, please email the Lector Coordinator.
For quarterly schedule, click below:
3rdQTR Schedule
Daily Bible Reading
Weekly Lector Prep
- Each Saturday morning at 9:30 AM in the Church. Those who are scheduled to read at a weekend Mass are expected to attend on their weekend.
New Lector Training
- Scheduled for all new volunteers to the ministry.