Registration information and forms have been updated for 2024-2025.
Elementary Religious Education
There are so many opportunities for you the parents and your children to discover and experience the truth, beauty and traditions of the Catholic Church together.
What are a Catholic parent's priorities?
- Teach them the ways of faith by:
- Our family's regular participation in the Sacred Liturgy.
- Form them in the ways of faith.
We take our responsibility to you seriously to help you fulfill the promises you made at your child's Baptism: to raise them in the ways of faith. We offer many options to assist you in this responsibility and thank you for letting us join your family's journey of faith. St. Michael Formation team has developed many catechist training and preparation for parents and classroom catechist. Please see below for descriptions of our offerings for children's catechesis.
About us
The year for Elementary Religious Education generally follows the school calendar (August-May) with registration during the spring and summer. K-5. Catechesis options include both,family center catechesis and traditional classroom catechesis.
How do I register my child?
1. Review the options for Religious Education that better works for your family needs.
2. Complete the Religious Education Registration online or download this Form and bring it to our Formation Office.
3. Download the Religious Education Calendar 2024-2025.
Religious Education Options
A | Families of Faith |
KINDER TO 5TH GRADE Families gather every Sunday for an interactive and engaging catechesis session base on the month's topic. Parents leave the session with material and preparation to teach their children at home. St. Michael use Sophia Institute curriculum approved by the Diocese. Meets on Sundays (September-April) 10:15 am to 11:15 am. |
B | Religious Education |
WEDNESDAY: FIRST TO 5TH GRADE Grade level catechism. St. Michael Formation use the Sophia Institute curriculum approved by the Diocese. Wed: 4:30 - 5:30 pm New Mass at 5:30 pm! |
C |
Sacramental Formation |
If you think your child is ready for Sacramental Preparation for Reconciliation and First Communion and is at least 7 years old: 1. Fill-in this Inquiry Form and return or this Electronic Form. 2. Come to one of our discernment days. 3. After the discernment meeting, register your child. |
D |
Special Needs |
Option for children that required special accommodation due to learning disabilities or other needs that required classroom accommodation or one on one teaching. |
Formation Office Hours
Monday to Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
For your convenience , our Formation staff can set an appointment for your family needs. To set up a personal appointment contact Robin Harris.
Be a Catechist, we need your help to volunteer in any capacity!
For ways you can support the life of the Church click the Become catechist button below or
contact Robin Harris at (817) 510 2726 or click here to e-mail
Faith is shaped not by programs, but by the way of our lived experience of the sacramental life.
Our roots of faith when firmly developed give support to our family to sustain us in living day to day.
Family Resources
We recommend for you to use at home to enrich your child Religious Formation.
Robin Harris
Director of Faith Formation
(817) 510 2726