How Your Donations to the Annual Diocesan Appeal are Used
Your gift to the Annual Diocesan Appeal provides funds to ministries and programs in these categories:
Gratitude and Support for the Clergy – through the healthy and holy formation and education of men for the priesthood and permanent diaconate and caring for retired and infirm priests.
Outreach to Rural and Needy Parishes and Schools – through operating grants for faith formation and youth programing, priest salaries, utilities assistance and many other needs.
Hope and Healing for the Poor – to aid the disadvantaged, the disabled and those who are most in need of God’s healing grace through Catholic Charities and Correctional Ministry.
Love and Strengthening for Families – through Marriage and Family Life ministries that bind us closer to Christ through our love and respect for one another in families committed to proclaiming the Gospel.
Faith and Formation for Future Generations – Tuition Assistance and Campus Ministry Programs to empower our children, youth and young adults to grow in their Catholic faith in preparation for a life of Christian leadership and service.
Stewardship Education and Development Support for Parishes – Resources to help parishes increase engagement, prayer life and discipleship in the lives of their parishioners, including organizational tools, stewardship education and assistance for parish Stewardship Committees, planned giving efforts, endowment funds and capital campaigns.