St. Michael Catholic Church

Families of Faith FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Family Catechesis


Shouldn't the religious education of children be left to the parish?

Since the current faith formation and religious education model is struggling to transform family life, and since many young people who go through faith formation are leaving the faith, we are proposing a new model (which is actually an ancient model) where the parish focuses on catechizing the parents in order to strengthen parent/child engagement in the Faith. This increases the likelihood that a child will receive an authentic education in the Faith and develop into a knowledgeable and practicing Catholic. Countless studies have shown that parental engagement with the child is the single most effective way to develop young people into disciples of Christ.


What if the parent doesn't know the Faith well, or know how to teach?

A Family of Faith is completely turn-key for the parents, giving them the easy-to-understand content and step-by-step instructions for each activity, helping them to gain knowledge of the Faith and confidence as they teach it. Various tools are also available to help parents turn potentially problematic situations into successes, such as what to do when a child asks a question you do not know.


But what if parents don't want to be bothered and remove their child from religious instruction altogether? Wouldn't we be better off just maintaining the status quo?

This did not prove to be the case in the pilot tests we conducted among nine parishes nationwide. While it is true that some parents will likely decide to offer no instruction than to participate in this program, the vast majority of families are finding A Family of Faith to be far more flexible, enabling them to transform the family activities they already do into encounters with God. Parents are able to enter into those “teachable moments” of everyday life. A Family of Faith leads parents into a conversion to Jesus Christ, which is beneficial to the parish, but most of all to the children they are raising.


Is there a lot of work involved for families? How much time will this program take?

No. There are two lessons to teach each month, along with a variety of family and child activities. Each lesson should take no more than 30-45 minutes to complete, and requires minimal preparation on the part of the parent. For the parish catechists, our leader’s guide provides them with ice breakers, presentation notes, discussion questions and answers, and step-by-step instructions for activities, freeing the catechist from the burden of developing all of this on his or her own.


For what age children has this program been developed?

Because this program focuses on teaching the faith to parents and helping them make it an organic part of family life, it is perfect for parents with children of all ages. For example, a monthly feature called “Your Catholic Home” gives specific advice for ways to make the Faith a regular part of each day. The Children’s Activity Books are recommended for children in grades K-6, and features engaging activities at various grade levels. Parents can skip the activities they believe are too elementary or too advanced for their child.


Content Overview


The Parent's Guide


- Background essays covering each month's content

- Notes for conveying this content to children in age-appropriate ways

- Instructions for activities and craft projects

- Stories of the saints and other notable Catholics

- Suggestions for living the faith at home, such as… 

- Guidance for creating and decorating a prayer space

- Prayers for special occasions

- Tips for talking about tough subjects

- Ways to bring the liturgical year to life in the home


The Children's Activity Book

The Children's Activity Book is designed to help children come to know the Catholic Faith through fun games and activities. The Parent's Guide offers talking points for how to use each activity in the children's book as a teachable moment, leading the child to a deeper relationship with Christ.

Activities in the Children's Activity Book include…

  • Age-appropriate readings and activities
  • Scripture memorization and copy work
  • Prayer memorization
  • Saints biographies
  • Games and crafts
  • Drawings and coloring pages
  • Journal pages
  • Prompts for original prayers and reflections
  • Student Family of Faith Materials


Topic for the Year 2024-2025: Prayer

This volume focuses on Christian prayer, and why it is so essential for growing in relationship with God. After exploring the covenant drama of prayer in Scripture, families learn the richness of the Our Father, the major expressions of prayer, and the example of the Virgin Mary in conversations with God. Throughout the whole year, families are helped to put into practice all these learning through a fruitful prayer life.

Year Four: Christian Prayer

  • September: The Role of Parents in Education
  • October: What is Prayer?
  • November: Jesus Teaches Us How to Pray
  • December: Prayer and the Our Father
  • January: Prayer and the Holy Spirit
  • February: The Prayer of the Virgin Mary
  • March: Praying with Scripture and Expressions of Prayer
  • April: Prayer as Spiritual Battle